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W3C liabilitytrademark and permissive document license rules apply. This document describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG and XSL-FO.

The microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download is mainly based on a standard for Japanese layout, JIS Xhowever, it also addresses areas which are not covered by JIS X This version integrates errata and links to related materials. この文書は,CSS,SVGおよびXSL-FOなどの技術で実現が求められる一般的な日本語組版の要件を記述したものです.この文書は,主としてJIS X (日本語組版規則)に基づいていますが,一部,JIS X に記載されていない事項にも言及しています.この版では,誤りの訂正や関連情報へのリンク追加などが行われています.. This section describes the status of this document at the microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download of its publication.

Other documents may supersede this document. This is a maintenance version of a document that describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, Microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download, XSL-FO and eBook standards.

The second version of the document added a significant amount of additional information related to hanmen design, such as handling headings, placement of classs and tables, ergistered of notes and reference marks, etc.

この文書は,CSS,SVG,XSL-FOおよびeBookなどの技術で実現が求められる一般的な日本語組版の要件を記述した文書の訂正版です.この文書は,主としてJIS X (日本語組版規則)に基づいていますが,一部,JIS X に記載されていない事項にも言及しています.この第2版では版面デザインに関する説明を大幅に増やしました.例えば,見出しの扱い,図版や表の配置,注や合印などです.. This document was developed by participants in the Japanese Layout Task Force. It will be published привожу ссылку the Internationalization Working Group. Previous versions of the document were developed by ссылка на страницу in the previous Japanese Layout Task Forcewith input from four W3C Working Groups, CSSInternationalization CoreSVG and XSL.

この文書は JLReq 日本語組版タスクフォース の参加者により作成されており, 国際化委員会 において公開されます.以前のバージョンのこの文書は JLReq 日本語組版タスクフォース の参加者により, CSS , Internationalization Core , SVG , XSL の4つの W3C ワーキンググループからの情報を参考に作成されています.. The document was originally authored in Japanese, then translated to English under the guidance of the Japanese authors.

In order to reach the largest international audience, the W3C works in Microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download, so the English version of the document is the authoritative version. However, the Japanese version of this document is also available. この文書は日本語で記述されたものを,日本語版作成者の監修のもとに英語に翻訳したものです.最大の国際的な利用者に届けるため, W3C は英語を標準としているため,この文書は 英語版 が公式となります.なお, mirosoft も提供しています..

To make it microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download to track comments, please raise separate issues or emails for each comment, and point to the section you are microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download on. 指摘を追跡しやすくするため,それぞれの指摘点について対象となるセクションを明記のうえ,個別の issue もしくはメールを送ってください..

日本語 English All. この文書は 国際化ワーキンググループ によりワーキンググループノートとして公開されています.. この文書に関する議論には GitHub Issues の利用が望まれます..

ワーキンググループノートとしての公開は W3C 会員による支持を意味しません.この文書は草案であり,更新やほかの文書により置き換えられる可能性が常にあります.作業版以外としての参照は推奨されません.. この文書は W3C 特許ポリシー に従って運営されているグループにより作成されました.このグループはこの文書を W3C 勧告とすることを想定していません..

この文書は 年3月1日版の W3C プロセス文書 に従っています.. This document was published by the Internationalization Working Group as a Working Group Note.

GitHub Issues are preferred for discussion of this specification. Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership.

This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress. This document was produced microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download a group operating under the W3C Patent Policy. The group does not expect tegistered document to become a W3C Recommendation.

This document is governed by the 1 March W3C Process Document. Each cultural community has its own language, script and writing system. In that sense, the transfer of each writing system into cyberspace is a task with very high importance for information and communication technology. As one of the basic work items of this task force, this document describes issues of text composition in the Japanese writing system.

The goal of the task force is not to propose actual solutions but describe important issues as basic information for actual implementations. この責務を実現するための基礎的な作業として,この文書では,日本語という書記システムにおける 組版 上の問題点をまとめた.具体的な解決策を提示することではなく,要望事項の説明をすることにした.それは,実装レベルの問題を考える前提条件をまず明確にすることが重要であると考えたからである..

This document was created by the W3C Japanese Layout Task Force. The Больше на странице Force has discussed many issues and harmonized the requirements from user communities and solutions from technological experts. It includes the following microsotf. この文書の作成は, W3C Japanese Layout Task Forceが行った.このタスクフォースは,次のようなメンバーで構成され,ユーザーコミュニティーからの要望と専門家による解決策を調和させるために様々な議論を行ってきた..

Japanese you download mods on windows 10 composition experts The editors of "JIS X : Formatting rules for Japanese documents".

Internationalization and standardization experts in Japan from Microsoft, Antenna House, JustSystems. Members of the W3C CSSSVGXSL and i18n CoreWorking Groups. W3C の CSS , SVG , XSL , 国際化コア の各ワーキンググループメンバー. This task force also constitutes an important innovation due to its bilingual work-flow. Discussion is mainly conducted in Japanese, because of the Japanese composition issues, but minutes and one mailing list were in English. To support development, the task force held face-to-face meetings with participating Working Groups.

また,このタスクフォースは,バイリンガルによるものとしても,画期的なものといえよう.ディスカッションは,日本語の 組版 を問題とすることから,主として日本語で行った.しかし,議事録とメーリングリストは英語のものを用意した.また, W3C のCSS,SVG,XSL,国際化コアなどのワーキンググループメンバーとの英語及び日本語によるフェイス・ツウ・フェイスの会議も開催した.. The document itself was also developed bilingually, and is published bilingually. We microwoft avoided using jargon for frwe terms. Even if there were English words corresponding to the Japanese, we carefully studied any potential differences in the nuances of meaning, and wrd there were differences between corresponding concepts, we provided the Japanese jargon in romaji Latin transliteration for future discussion.

Moreover, we prepared as many figures as ценное windows 10 mail vs outlook reddit free download может, with clear узнать больше understandable English, to help non-Japanese readers. 文書も日本語で準備し,これを英訳し,2つの文書を公開することにした.用語についても,特殊な用語は極力避けるように努めた. 英語の用語との対応 microsoft word 2016 error class not registered free download. Japanese composition exhibits several differences from Western composition.

Major differences include:. 日本語組版は,欧文組版 と異なる事項がある.主に次の点で異なる.. The use of not mifrosoft horizontal writing mode but also vertical writing mode. 日本語組版には, 横組 だけでなく, 縦組 がある.. In principle, all character frames of ideographic clhiragana cl and katakana cl characters used in Japanese composition are designed in a square box, and these characters are composed without intervening spacing i.

set solid. This document mainly explains the characteristics of Japanese composition along the lines of the following policy. この文書では,このことを前提にして,主に 日本語組版の特徴 を次の方針で解説する..

It does not fully cover all issues of the Japanese composition system, but mainly discusses the differences from Посмотреть еще composition systems. It focuses on the requirements for the Japanese visual presentation form of errorr composition. It explicitly refers to JIS X "Formatting retistered for Japanese documents" as much as possible. This document focuses on fundamental and important issues of Japanese layout as much as possible, and for more detail references the corresponding clause of JIS X The JIS X topics that are not described in this document, are only for exceptional, corner cases or woed provide some specific line composition algorithms.

On the other hand, some topics that are not described in JIS X are described in detail. Accordingly, this document is sufficient to implement Japanese layout processing for most parts of the Japanese market. In accordance with the stated policy, this document provides microsotf or summary-like, supplementary explanations, related background, and additional descriptions for JIS X information.

This document covers all the fundamental issues of Japanese text layout, but the reader will need to refer to JIS X for advanced discussion of exceptional topics. また,この文書と JIS X との関係 でいえば,JIS X の要点の解説あるいは要約,補足説明,それに関わる周辺情報の追加,JIS X で規定していない事項の解説ということになる.したがって,基本的な事項を理解するためであれば,この文書で十分であるが,細部にわたる例外的な内容を知るためにはJIS X を参照する必要がある.. It provides typical examples of actual use for key composition features, to enable better understanding of their usage.

For non-Japanese readers, frequency of use is indicated for each requirement. These frequencies are not the outcome of any accurate research, but arise from the long experience of the authors. They are intuitive for ordinary Japanese text readers; however, for non-Japanese readers it may be difficult to imagine without explicit information.

These frequencies are only rough information to prioritize the importance of issues. 日本語組版に日常的に接していない読者のために,説明している事項の 使用頻度 について簡単に解説した.これは実際に調査した結果ではなく,執筆者の読書経験による判断である.これは日常的に日本語組版に接している読者にはある程度判断できることであるが,そうでない読者のために,ある程度の使用頻度情報を伝えるためである.したがって,組版処理事項の重要さをある程度判断できるようにすることを主な目的とするので,情報の正確性を意図しているものではない.. For example: /10492.txt inline cutting note is not frequently used, but is useful to simply annotate persons, things, and so on, at the place where the text appears, especially in classic texts or translations.

In consideration of non-Japanese readers of this document, figures are used for explanations wherever possible. Text layout rules and recommendations for readable design are different things, however these two issues are difficult to discuss independently.

In this document, продолжение здесь two aspects are carefully separated. The aesthetic design recommendations are mainly described using notes. The main target of this document is common books. The authors' experiences are mainly related to common books, and the quality required for common books is the highest in the market.

There are many kinds of books in the market, and the requirements are quite diverse. Перейти task force has a lot of accumulated experience in requirements and solutions for Japanese text composition. Nonetheless, many issues, which have been discussed over a long period of time, are applicable for other kinds of publication. この文書の解説では,組版処理の対象 を主に書籍とする.執筆者の経験がその点に最も深いこともあるが,日本語組版処理において質の面から書籍の組版が重要と考えるからである.量が多いというだけでなく,質の面から見ると,書籍組版は多くの問題点を持っている.書籍組版は,その処理内容が多様であり,これらについて最も古くから多くの人々により問題点が考えられ,かつ指摘されてきた経緯がある.処理そのものについては,書籍の組版処理はむずかしく,また要求のレベルが高かったという点もある.また,書籍で考えられてきた事項の多くが,その他の文書でも応用できる点が多いといえよう..

In terms of frequency of use, the importance of magazines, technical manuals, and Web documents rates alongside common books. However, there are several characteristics in these publications, which are different from common books.

These issues should be treated more fully in future documents. Introduction 序論. Basics of Japanese Composition 日本語組版の基本. Line Composition 行の組版処理. Positioning of Headings, Notes, Illustrations, Tables and Paragraphs 見出し・注・図版・表・段落の配置処理.

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